Monday, August 28, 2006

Mines Open Session

Continuing with my public service, of hyperlinks to people and organizations participating in this conference, the following are involved in the "Open Session of the Mines Ministers' Conference:


Richard Nesbitt, Chief CEO of TXS Group
Building on Canada's Global Advantage
The "TSX Group" operates Canada’s two national stock exchanges serving the senior equity and public venture capital equitymarkets as well as NGX, a leading NorthAmerican exchange for the trading and clearing of natural gas and electricitycontracts.

Peter R Jones, First Vice-Chair, Mining Association of Canada
MAC's mission is to promote, through the collective action of members, the growth and development of Canada's mining and mineral-processing industry, for the benefit of all Canadians. Mr Jones represents HudBay Minerals Inc with the MAC.

Patricia Dillon, President,
Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada
The PDAC is a national organization that supports the mineral exploration anddevelopment sector of the Canadian mineral industry.

Kelly Lendsay, President
Aboriginal Human Resources Development Council of Canada
Canada's leading innovators in Aboriginal recruitment, retention and advancement.Building solutions and partnerships that create employment opportunities, inclusive workplaces for Aboriginal peoples and a skilled workforce for employers


Jon Baird, Managing Director, and a founding member of CAMESE
Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export (CAMESE)
A group of Canadian mining suppliers were sitting around the swimming pool of their hotel in Lima, Peru in 1981, when they realized that there were things they could do together to benefit all in marketing to the global mining industry. This realization was the moment of conception of OMESE – Ontario Mining Equipment and Services for Export, which was formally founded after their return to Canada, and led to the national association, CAMESE, five years later.

Jacques Saint-Cyr, Executive Director
Consortium de recherche minerale (COREM) du Quebec
This is a pre-competitive research consortium whose focus is the processing and transformation of mineral substances. COREM is a non-profit organization whose mandate is to improve the competitiveness of member companies through development and transfer of technological innovations customized to their specific needs.

Luc Vandamme, Director, Falconbridge Ltd
The official corporate website is here. However, there is another one, perhaps more inclusive, here.

Angus Robertson, Deputy Minister
Dept of Energy, Mines, and Resources, Yukon
He will report on Workshop, "Opportunities for Partnership.


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