Thursday, September 14, 2006

a couple of not important remarks

Making population data bases has its own strange interests: you have to concentrate on spelling, and etc, so your attention CANNOT WANDER; but then, it is very very boring as you go into the 5th hour of a name list.

So, little things start to catch your interest. Today, I noticed that there were a lot of Porter Creek women named "Lisa Marie." I think Elvis would be proud!

Archie went along Evergreen tonight, with his campaign manager, Pat Berrel.

This is how the people vying for your vote spend the campaign season: walking around tapping on doors, and asking the citizen for his or her vote. It is Democracy at its best, people. And this is why democracies are so flexible, and successful - in asking for YOUR vote, the political candidate must pay attention to your concerns and opinions.

That vote of yours is no small thing, and should never be scorned. Being a Citizen of a democracy is a great privilege, one enjoyed by few people on earth today.


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