Thursday, October 12, 2006

Another thing about the Yukon News...

One of the problems with modern politickin' is that a politician has to remain silent while he is being unfairly attacked by the 'media'.. This is especially so, during campaign season.
The election was held last Tuesday. In the time between now and when the Yukon Party takes responsibility for the government, Archie would like to get ONE MORE THING off of his chest. So. The Yukon "News" ran a story on Monday, 25 September, page 5. It boasted about this on the front page with huge red letters: LANG DRILLED ON ANWR. Rushing on to page 5, we see a breathless headline asking: "Does the Yukon Party support drilling in ANWR?" The story is below:

In actual fact, Archie was NOT the only other Yukon politician at this Juneau forum. Patrick Rouble, Ted Staffen, and Todd Hardy were also there with Arthur Mitchell. And, in actual FACT, the person how made the statement, "We all know that it is a not a question...." was NOT Archie, but rather, the Alaska State Senator. Archie was a Minister of the Yukon Government, and it was and is the stated policy of that government and the Yukon Party, that they are against drilling in ANWR.

One of this Blog's readers sent me this message:"I do know this; I have a Broadcast diploma and I freelanced for a number of years. And to allay your anger somewhat, there are reporters out there who really do care about the truth."

I know that, and so does Archie. However, the Yukon News has been way over the edge of acceptable partisan politics for the past few years. And sometimes, it is necessary for one's pride to tell people the true story. This is one of those times.


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