Friday, October 13, 2006

Is Hawkweed "Noxious"??

Well, it is genuinely sub arctic and the Yukon is its home. It has its own name, a string ending with "Porsild", referring to Ellen Davignon's uncle, Alf Erling Porsild (1901-1977), who identified it for the official botanical world. Even after a freezing night, this little hawkweed has retained some of its beauty:

The Porsild brothers made quite an impact on the North. Dick North wrote a whole book about their study of reindeer in "ARCTIC EXODUS: THE LAST GREAT TRAIL DRIVE", which is still in print. They were Danish boys from Greenland. Their father Morten P Porsild was also a botanist. He founded Arctic Station on Disko Island, Western Greenland in 1906. Earlier this year, there was a family reunion of this man's descendents at Disko. He is held in very high esteem in Greenland, and the reunion party met with a great reception.

According to Ellen Davignon, her grandfather changed his surname from the very boring and common "Pedersen" to the unusual "Porsild." Thus, the people with that surname are ALL descendents of Morten P Porsild!


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